Release judgment criteria・Confirmation of process quality is based on development practice and development

30/11/2020Release Judgment

See also the process quality of software development in release judgment

I introduced in the article on the four criteria for release determination that one of the four criteria that my father Gutara used when determining the release of software is process quality . When considering the quality of software, it is easier to judge the quality from the viewpoint of product quality and process quality.

Product quality and process quality are important points in judging software quality, but what to focus on and how to judge good or bad vary depending on the market and organization. In this article, I will introduce based on my experience how Father Gutara judged the quality of the process to be good or bad at the time of release judgment . 

Process quality is easier to understand when compared to product quality

By the way, what is the software development process ? The word process is a word that has come to be heard frequently in the field of development, but it is somewhat vague. When the Software Development Process is translated into Japanese, it means a process because it is a software development process . In short, a process is a process of each work such as design and implementation when developing software.

And process quality is the quality of each work process such as design and mounting . It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the work process, not the output of the work process itself. It’s still a little difficult to understand, but it’s easy to understand when compared with product quality, so let’s take the mounting process as an example.

The output of the implementation process is the source code of the software, and the quality of the source code itself (whether there are any bugs, etc.) is the product quality . In When the quality of the implementation process (Cording Process) say something, such as bug are not mixed Are you how to proceed in the good implementation work , is that. For example, Toka Do you finished Toka Do you become the operating rules of the source tree, such as do not use the wrong old source file, Toka Do you write the source code in accordance with the coding conventions, the determined unit testing, implementation The quality of the implementation process is the quality of the work process itself .

Software development process includes development practice and development management

There are various software development processes. Requirement definition, structural design, functional design, detailed design, implementation, test design, test execution, debugging, progress management, bug management, development contractor management, quality control, release judgment, maintenance, etc. Each work process that needs to be done is called a process.

For the specific content of the term process quality used by my father Gutara, I have created another article classification and introduced it concretely in several articles, so please refer to that for details.

Development practice process and development management management process

By the way, there are two software processes, the development practice process and the development management process . In the examples given earlier, requirements definition, structural design, functional design, detailed design, implementation, test design, test execution, debugging, maintenance, etc. are development processes. And the management process is progress management, bug management, development contractor management, quality control, release judgment, etc.

For example, thinking about what you do when you become the leader of a development project makes the development management process easier to understand. The first thing to worry about is process management to keep the delivery date . Process management is to write down the development schedule on a line table, check the progress, and take measures to recover the process if there is a delay. Quality control is important along with process control . Quality control is to manage the work of performing necessary tests, confirming that the detected bugs have been fixed, and eliminating the bugs by the time of release.

Such process control and quality control are also important processes for software development. A process of design and implementation for developing software itself development practices process is, as the targets planned achievable monitors whether it is successfully carried out , and the process for managing performing measures any problems are , The development management process.

The software process has two processes , a development process and a management process , and only when both are performed with good quality will good software be released on a planned schedule.

It is difficult to judge good or bad because the software development business process changes drastically.

Since the development practical process is the actual development work itself, the points to be noted and the quality of the practical work will change depending on the technology adopted. In the case of design, what kind of design method is used , what is used for the format of the design document that expresses the design result, what kind of method and tool is used for the design review method, etc. are all developed by the development leader. It is the content to decide the optimum method and execute it.

When judging the release of software, it would be good if we could judge the good or bad of this development practice process and use it as information for the release judgment, but unfortunately the criteria and method of judgment will change greatly depending on the technology adopted. It is not possible to uniformly judge whether the development business process is good or bad .

Father Gutara also tried various design methods and design document formats when he was leading the software development team and doing development work, but there is no regret that this is the best general purpose. was. Both the development method and the format of the design document will change steadily as the software technology advances. For software developers who live in the mouse year a year , a year ago, or 10 years ago, the reality is that even the basic parts of development, such as development methods and design document formats, must be changed frequently. ..

We do not see the good or bad of software development practice in the release judgment

For that reason, the judgment of the development practice process was excluded as the judgment of the quality of the process when judging the release of the software . Since it is not possible to judge right from wrong , Father Gutara decided to squeeze his stomach, saying that he had no choice but to rely on the competence of the development leader . Ah, in reality, most of the success or failure of software development depends largely on the competence of the development leader, so the reality is that it is not a matter of getting angry again.

On the other hand, the development management process is not so influenced by individual technical contents, and general methods are often used, so it is possible to judge whether the development management process is good or bad. Therefore, regarding process quality, we mainly checked the status of the development management process and judged whether the process quality was good or bad.

Next : Release judgment criteria・To check the development management first look at the development plan