Bugs gather and settle in the bug nest

What is a bug nest?
Bugs … It’s an unpleasant word, but it feels scary to say that it’s a bug nest. Bugs are an enemy for software engineers to fight with all their might . Bugs are lurking everywhere, but there are certainly areas where bugs often live . Bugs are not evenly distributed , but unevenly distributed . Since all the software is made by people, there is a high possibility that I will make a mistake in the place where someone makes a mistake, but conversely, I can say that I also need to be careful where someone makes a mistake .
Bugs lurks in the forest of source code, sometimes rushing in large numbers, sometimes lurking and attacking from behind, attacking by various means. More than half of software development, and in some cases 80% to 90%, is fighting this bug. In order to eliminate bugs, we review requirements specifications and design documents, review source code, perform a large number of tests of various types, and fix bugs that have leaked to the market as soon as they are found. The fight against will continue until the software is no longer in use.
Bugs are lurking in the source code forest, but not everywhere. It seems that there are places where bugs can easily hide, and they are relatively solid and lurking . Father Gutara called such a place a bug nest. Well, Gutara’s father just called it that way, and the general public doesn’t say that. But, well, let’s introduce where such a bug nest is based on the experience of Father Gutara.
Where are the bug nests?
The bug nest is a part where bugs can easily enter, so in short, it is a part where designers and implementers can easily make mistakes . It’s a very simple story. People tend to make mistakes when it 's difficult to make, so it 's easy for bugs to enter, and that’s where bugs nest.
So what kind of place is difficult to make? This depends on the type of software. The location of the bug nest differs between the core software of a company developed by the information system department and the embedded software that controls the equipment. Father Gutara has been working in the world of embedded software for many years, so here I will introduce bug nests mainly on embedded software . There is no particular classification method for bug nests, so I will write it out as I can think of it, so if you have time or are interested, please have a look at it. I think.
So, I haven’t written much articles yet.
After this, I will write articles about timed bomb bugs, timing-dependent bugs, queue overflow bugs, FROM bugs, array bugs, data synchronization bugs, state transition lock bugs, and various other bugs. However, please be patient as I will write down articles little by little.
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