Release judgment is the most important matter to guarantee the quality of software

- 1. Software quality assurance is protected by release judgment
- 2. The criteria for software quality is from the perspective of finding software with poor quality.
- 3. There are four quality judgments: test quality, residual bugs, process quality, and product quality.
- 4. Judgment is made by deciding the type of release, the person in charge of judgment and the judgment method, and using the worksheet.
- 5. Introduction of Gutara father style release judgment
Software quality assurance is protected by release judgment
The most important thing to guarantee the quality of software is to correctly judge the release of software . If you can stop releasing poor quality software and release only good quality software , as a result, only good quality software will be on the market, so you can guarantee the quality of the software. Software release is equivalent to shipping in the world language of general products, so release judgment is the shipping judgment of software products.
So how do you only to be released good software quality do you? There are two things you need to do to release only good quality software. The first release is available quality goods for determining whether it is in soft quality criteria , the second is to determine whether may be the release mechanism of the release decision is seen. Father Gutara has used four criteria and four mechanisms to determine the release of software .
Since what is required for software quality changes depending on the market situation of the product, the times and the background of the technology, there will be no correct answer that applies to the best judgment criteria and judgment method in any case . I don’t even know if Gutara’s father’s method is the best. Even so, the method that Father Gutara came up with may be helpful for those who actually judge the release of software, so I will introduce it a little more concretely.
The most important activity for product shipment judgment to improve quality is not unique to software. Shipment judgment is called the last bastion of quality assurance, and it is the most important activity of the quality assurance organization.
The criteria for software quality is from the perspective of finding software with poor quality.
In other words , releasing good quality software means not releasing bad quality software . Does it sound like a mere word game? Well, there is also such a side. However, the means to release good quality software is quite difficult because there are so many things to think about. But the idea of not releasing bad quality software is simple. All you have to do is to investigate various things before releasing bad software and follow the rule of not releasing bad software, which is easy to understand as a methodology.
However, unlike mass-produced products that make the same product at the factory, it is difficult to check the quality of single- product software at the time of release . As I wrote in another article , in the case of mass-produced products , it has been decided that this should be correct . Sometimes called a golden sample. If it is the same as the golden sample, it can be judged that the quality is good, so various inspections and measurements are performed before shipping, and if there is no difference from the golden sample, it is a good product and shipped, and if the difference is large, it is judged as a defective product. You can take the method of not shipping.
However, there is no such thing as a golden sample in the software of one-off products . Although there are required specifications, the required specifications are not the finished software equivalent to the golden sample, so the method of measuring the difference from the golden sample and judging it as a defective product is easy to judge the quality of the software. can not use.
There are four quality judgments: test quality, residual bugs, process quality, and product quality.
The quality of software do you want to determine how I may or bad is good? It’s a difficult problem, but we decide the indicators to check the quality of the software, decide the criteria for judgment for each indicator, and if it does not meet the criteria, we judge that the software is of poor quality and stop the release. When you think about it, you can see what you need to do a little more concretely.
Of course, for software, such as when the software is used, who uses it, and what kind of effect it will have if there is a problem with the software. The level of quality required varies widely. However , I think the method of determining whether the quality of software has reached the required level will be similar to some extent.
Father Gutara checks the status of the test quality , considers the impact of residual bugs on the market, checks the status of the product quality of the software , checks the status of the process quality used to develop the software, and confirms the status of the software. We have judged whether the quality of the wear is good. These four are the four criteria that my father Gutara has used .
Judgment is made by deciding the type of release, the person in charge of judgment and the judgment method, and using the worksheet.
Even if there are judgment criteria, the actual operation will not proceed well unless the process for making the judgment is decided exactly. For example, if the software that judges the release is the first release for the software, it is necessary to gather the people concerned and hold a meeting to listen to the opinions of people from various positions and make a comprehensive judgment, and add functions and bugs. If the release is also intended to be fixed, it may be decided by one person . In addition, the criteria for judgment have changed depending on whether the type of software used to judge the release is the official version, the evaluation version, or the beta version . In order to respond to software release judgments in various situations, to decide the type of release, decide the person responsible for judging the release, decide the release judgment method, and make the actual release judgment according to those decisions. You need to make a decision using the Release Judgment Worksheet . These four are the four judgment mechanisms used by Father Gutara.
Introduction of Gutara father style release judgment
In the following articles classified as release judgment, I tried to organize as much as possible the information and judgment criteria necessary for software release judgment, so please have a look.
At the beginning of the title of the article, there is a sub-category regarding software release judgment . The subtitle following the subcategory is the outline of the specific article. There is no particular rule on the order of reading, so please read the articles in order from the one you are interested in.
For a quick overview , check out the two articles outlining the sub-categories . If you want to know a little more about what is written in the summary article, please see the individual articles or read the individual articles linked from the end of the summary article in order.
- Overview・Four criteria for release judgment
- Overview・Four mechanisms for release judgment
- Release judgment criteria・The amount of test is measured by test density
- Release judgment criteria・Check the test execution rate when judging the amount of test
- Release judgment criteria・The first type of test is abnormal and semi-normal
- Release judgment criteria・The second type of test is stability and robustness
- Release judgment criteria・The third type of test is the RAS function
- Release judgment criteria・The fourth type of test is the version upgrade function
- Release judgment criteria・The fifth type of test is confirmation of past defects
- Release judgment criteria・Test implementation status based on progress confirmation
- Release judgment criteria・See the status of bug detection for evaluate of testing
- Release judgment criteria・Bug is considered separately to potential bugs and obvious bug
- Release judgment criteria・Estimate how many potential bugs remain
- Release judgment criteria・Remaining bug 0 is not a mandatory condition
- Release judgment criteria・The reliability growth curve is reasonably usableThe reliability growth curve is reasonably usable
- Release judgment criteria・The importance of residual bugs is judged from the degree of impact on service provision
- Release judgment criteria・Estimate the number of call center calls from the remaining bugs
- Release judgment criteria・Estimate the number of call center calls from the remaining bugs(2-nd)
- Release judgment criteria・Estimate the number of call center calls from the remaining bugs(3-rd)
- Release judgment criteria・To check the product quality, first check the design quality
- Release judgment criteria・Check the code quality to check the product quality
- Release judgment criteria・Confirmation of process quality is based on development practice and development
- Release judgment criteria・To check the development management, first look at the development plan
- Release judgment criteria・Check the development management process by the design, implementation, and test plan
- Release judgment criteria・See also concern and risk management and baseline management
- Release judgment criteria・Is the maintenance system and contract clear?
- Release judgment criteria・Also check the implementation status of the gate process
- Release judgment mechanism・Two types of software releases, one for external and the other for internal
- Release judgment mechanism・External releases are subject to release judgment
- Release judgment mechanism・Release judgment is made by QA-Manager or Dev.-Manager or the president
- Release judgment mechanism・The best way to determine the release is the official review
- Release judgment mechanism・Release judgment is also possible two-department meeting or individual judgment
- Release judgment mechanism・Keep a record of the release judgment result in the checklist
- Release judgment others・Software may be released by special adoption
- Release judgment others・Special recruitment is judged by test status, latent bugs and residual bugs
- Release judgment others・Annoying relationship between testing and bugs
- Release judgment others・Product quality is important for software quality
- Release judgment is the most important matter to guarantee the quality of software
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