Soft Audit overview・Method 1: Soft audit is process audit + technical ability audit 

13/01/2021Audit for soft-Develop..

Software development audit is conducted by ISO9001, CMMI and technical capability audit

Software development audit, ISO9001 the second party audit methods and CMMI software development organizations maturity determined by combining the method of process capability to methods for determining the need to software development that requirements management test technology and coding techniques It is a unique method of Gutara’s father’s style in a simmered state that combines judgment items of various technical levels .

In the articles so far, we have introduced software development audits from the perspective of the purpose of audits and the targets of audits, but did you get a vague overview? In this article, I will introduce software development audit from the viewpoint of audit method so that you can know a little more about software development audit.

It is easy to understand because the technical ability is confirmed according to the checklist.

As introduced in the article to be audited, software development audits audit two things, the development process and the development technology . Of these, in the development technology audit , in order to determine how much software development technology the audited development organization has at that time, we will check specific technical items based on the checklist. Since the items in the checklist are specific, it is not so difficult to proceed with the audit if you understand each item.

Of course, software technology is so extensive that it is impossible to cover everything, only a small number of technical areas are on the checklist. However, among the problems that Father Gutara has experienced so far, I think that it will be useful to some extent because I have identified items that are relatively common, in other words, that everyone is likely to fail. ..

The development process assumes that you have an overview of ISO9001 and CMMI

On the other hand in the audit of the development process is a combination of ISO9001 and CMMI of the way so that, you might get confused and not some understanding for this both ways. In this article, I will give an overview of ISO90001 and CMMI, and introduce how they can be combined to create a software development audit method. Finally, I will touch on technical audits a little.

By the way, why do you audit the development process?

If you replace the development process with Japanese, the development procedure is the closest, so the software development process is the work procedure of software development from requirement definition to release .

As you all know, there are various methods for developing this software, but I will set aside the story here as another opportunity. However, no matter what kind of software development, if software development is done within the organization of the company, some kind of development procedure, that is, the development process, is decided, and development will proceed according to that process. ..

To put it a little wildly, it can be said that every organization has a development process because it is necessary to carry out development control that controls processes and quality . In fact, software can be developed even if the development process has not been decided. However, if you do so, the quality of development will depend entirely on the person in charge. A good person in charge can produce software that satisfies the functions / performance / quality by the delivery date, but a bad person in charge may have no appearance or shape of the software even if the delivery date comes.

If you are developing software as a hobby, this is fine, but if you are developing software as a job, this is a problem. Development management is required to always release stable and good quality software on time , so it is important to decide the development process and perform development management. And good development control , that is, control that allows processes and quality to be created according to the original plan , requires a good development process .

Audit the process to get good software released as planned

We want the software development contractor to create the process and quality as planned and release the software, so we will conduct a software development audit to confirm whether the organization has adopted a good development process. .. Also, if necessary, ask for improvement of the development process and have good software developed as a result. The purpose of software development audit is.

It’s an explanation that doesn’t seem to be understood, but there isn’t a simple and reliable good way (silver bullet) to improve the product quality of blunt software, so improve the software development process and make the software as good as possible. It may even be about getting them to develop. .. ..

And the methods used to evaluate and improve this process are ISO9001 and CMMI. Both are very similar, but they have different backgrounds and original purposes, and each has its advantages / disadvantages. Let’s start with a brief introduction to ISO9001 and CMMI in subsequent articles.