Soft audit Checklist・No13: Development management technology (general)

12/02/2021Audit for soft-Develop..

The sixth requirement management checklist is development management.

In this article, we will introduce each item of the audit checklist used for software development audit . The audit checklist is  divided into ( 1) development process, ( 2) requirements management, (3) testing, and (4) design and implementation. In this article, (2 ) individual items of configuration management in requirements management are introduced. (The checklist itself can be found in the article on Software Audit Practice / Checklist No. 8: Development Technology / Requirements Management (General Management) , so please refer to that.)

Check items related to development management

The last check item related to the requirement specifications is the item related to development management, but since development management is an item related to process quality, it is often not written in the requirement specifications. However, when software development is outsourced to another company , the development outsourcing method of just waiting for the delivery date without checking or managing anything until the software is completed is not very good.

There is no problem if good quality software is completed by the delivery date, but it is possible that software with poor quality is delivered or software is not completed in the first place and is not delivered. I want to avoid it. To do so, it will be necessary to confirm and manage the outsourced development work in some way to ensure that it is proceeding as planned . Since it manages such a development process, it is better to write it in the required specifications and inform the other party, so it is a development management item that starts with TR- to check for that. ..

[Development management: TR-01]

There are various ways to manage development. In particular, software development is now often done in a virtual network environment, and it is possible that engineers belonging to development projects are actually working in different places at different times. Therefore, the method of software development management also differs greatly depending on the company or organization .

On the premise of such diversity of software development management, it is necessary that the development management policy is first written in the required specifications and both parties can agree on how to perform development management in this software development . Make sure that such items are included in the requirement specifications, paying attention to the points.

[Development management: TR-02]

Development management also depends greatly on the size of the development team . The optimal development management method differs depending on whether the software is developed by one person or 300 engineers work together to develop the software . Unfortunately, there is no highly scalable development management that can handle any development scale. There are three development management methods , small, medium, and large, which are suitable for the scale of each development team, so this software development will be suitable for the scale of the development team. It is important to adopt it. We will check such points while paying attention to such points.

[Development management: TR-03]

The scale of the development organization will increase from medium to large, and it will be difficult to understand the overall situation unless development management using numerical values ​​is performed to some extent . Using numerical values ​​means deciding some kind of soft metrics (evaluation index) and managing development while comparing the planned value and the actual value. In such a case, it is better to clarify in the requirement specifications what metrics are used for development management. We will check such points while paying attention to such points.

Next, I will introduce testing as a development technology.

Regarding the development technology, first of all, we have briefly introduced the checklist for the required specifications, the contents to be checked and the points to be noted. The required specifications are the entrance to the development consignment . First of all, it is the most important part for the development consignment because it is necessary to tell the consignee as specifically as possible what development to consign.

Next to the required specifications, the test to confirm that the finished software is the required one. Since the test is the exit of the development consignment, it is the confirmation of the exit next to the entrance. In the next article, I will introduce a checklist of tests that confirm the exit in the development technology.

By the way, there is no correct answer because the method of software development audit is the method that Gutara’s father named himself . I think it is best for everyone to use it freely by referring to the contents introduced here.

Next :  Soft audit Checklist・No14: Test management technology (1/2)