Test plan・Decide how to classify defects and bugs and the items to be recordp

In the test plan, specifically describe how to classify defe ...
Test plan・Definition of bugs and bug states is important for managing bugs and

It is necessary to define the status (status) to manage the ...
Test plan・Priority and track bugs and bugs

It is important to set priorities when managing bugs and bug ...
Soft Audit overview・Purpose 1: Audit to determine development capability

The three purposes of software development audit are to judg ...
Soft Audit overview・Purpose 2: Audit to improve development capacity

The three purposes of software development audit are to judg ...
Soft Audit overview・Purpose 3: Audit to confirm the quality of bug-fixed software

The three purposes of software development audit are to judg ...
Soft Audit overview・Target 1: Audit the development process

Software development audit audits development process, test ...
Soft Audit overview・Target 2: Audit the test technology

2. Check whether the development technology and test technol ...
Soft Audit overview・Target 3: Audit the ability to grasp requirements

3. In grasping development technology and requirements, che ...
Soft Audit overview・Target 4: Auditing design / implementation capabilities (1/2)

4. Development technology/design and implementation capabili ...
Soft Audit overview・Target 5: Auditing design / implementation capabilities (2/2)

Check the review checklist, source code analysis tool, and a ...
Soft Audit overview・Method 1: Soft audit is process audit + technical ability audit

Software development audit is conducted by ISO9001, CMMI and ...
Soft Audit overview・Method 2: The process audit procedure is IS9001

ISO9001 used for software development audit procedures is a ...
Soft Audit overview・Method 3: CMMI is the confirmation item for process audit

ISO9001 audits for improvement and CMMI certifies to measure ...
Soft Audit overview・Method 4: Add ISO9001 and CMMI and divide by 2

What is the difference between ISO9001 and CMMI? (A little d ...
Soft audit practice・Preparation 1: Explanation of audit plan

Introducing the practice of software development audit in de ...
Soft audit practice・Preparation 2: Obtaining materials and understanding the organization

Before the day of the audit, get the materials from the othe ...
Soft audit practice・Preparation 3: Pre-filling the checklist

Prepare the audit checklist used for software development au ...
Soft audit practice・Audit day 1: 3 Realism is important for soft auditing

We will introduce the confirmation points on the day of the ...
Soft audit practice・Audit day 2: First of all, the opening meeting

First reconfirm the audit procedure and time allocation at t ...
Soft audit practice・Audit day 3: Understanding the outline and scale of the organization (1/2)

We will proceed by dividing into four areas of software deve ...
Soft audit practice・Audit day 4: Understanding the outline and scale of the organization (2/2)

(4) Is there a team to confirm the development process?
Th ...
Soft audit practice・Audit day 5: Functions required for software development and department in charge (1/2)

Six important functions and departments in charge of softwar ...
Soft audit practice・Audit day 6: Functions required for software development and department in charge (2/2)

(4) Quality confirmation function for purchased software and ...
Soft audit practice・Audit day 7: Points to check the development process

The development process checklist mainly confirms developmen ...