Do you have your motto

05/07/2019Other topics

What is the motto ?

Do you have your motto ? Before that, let me introduce a little about what the motto is.  It is simply put, the “maxim" that controls one’s mind is called the motto. It doesn’t matter if it’s not a saying, but it 's a word that supports the basis of my daily life , thinking “I want to be like this " or “I shouldn’t forget this “. I think that there are many people who use the saying.

From a young person’s point of view, it may sound like an old-fashioned story. But every human being, young or old, can be bothered or stuck. In such a case, the motto will help you when you look back at yourself and regain yourself, so I think it is good for young people to find the motto .

How do you find your motto ?

So how do you find the motto ? There is no right way to choose the motto. If you think you like this word, that’s the motto . Well, if you choose from aphorisms, select the one that impresses you the most or that resonates with your heart from the various words that appear when you search for the keyword aphorism, and use it as your motto. It may be better to do it.

However, in the case of Gutara father, I didn’t find it because I was thinking of looking for the motto. Gutara father has two motto, one is when he was reading a newspaper, and the other was from the words used in TV commercials, thinking " this word is … " I made it.

Formal version of Gutara father’s motto

Father Gutara has two mottos, a formal version and a casual version, but this is the formal version.

If you have to give it a try, tell it, let it do it, and praise it, people will move.

As it is a famous word, many of japanese may know it, but it is the word of Isoroku Yamamoto, who was a soldier of the Imperial Japanese Navy . It seems that the " essence for moving people " of those who have guided many people and achieved great things is condensed in this word. Father Gutara has always remembered this word when doing something at work.

In fact, Gutara father learned this word from a small article in the newspaper . The article was a small article about Mr. Doko, the chairman of Keidanren at the time . I don’t remember what the content of the article was, but it was written in the article that Mr. Doko used this word as his motto. Regardless of the fact that it was Doko’s motto, Gutara father at that time was deeply moved by the word itself , and after that I decided to make it my own motto. Actually, it wasn’t long before I learned that this word was Isoroku Yamamoto’s word.

There is a continuation of this word, and the full text is as follows.

If you have to give it a try, tell it, let it do it, and praise it, people will move.

People will not grow unless we discuss, listen, approve, and leave it to us.

If you don’t trust what you’re doing, watch over your appearance with gratitude, people won’t bear fruit.

It’s quite difficult to always follow this word, but I 've always kept it in my name because father Gutara can do it as long as I try to be like this .

Gutara father’s motto casual version

Compared to the formal version, here is the casual version .

Delicate like a devil, bold like an angel

This word seems to be the motto of movie director Akira Kurosawa . A long time ago, in a commercial for a sake called Black Nikka on TV , this word was played behind the video of director Akira Kurosawa tilting the glass. I’m not sure what I’m saying with just these words, but it’s a word that preaches " the attitude when getting things done ."

The devil speaks skillfully to people, draws out and enhances the negative emotions hidden in the depths of the person’s heart, and invites the person to the dark side . A person has both a good heart and a bad heart, but in order for the devil to drop the person to the dark side, he must guide the person while deceiving the good heart of the person and stimulating the bad heart. Hmm. If you notice a good heart even for a moment on the way, you will not be able to accept the words of the devil and drop it on the dark side. Therefore, the devil investigates the other party in detail , prepares carefully, and proceeds delicately so that no mistake will occur . This is the meaning of " delicate like a devil " in the first half .

Angels , on the other hand, have an absolute advantage over the devil . No matter how much the devil tries to trick people into plotting wrongdoing, if an angel appears on the spot and says “Light!", The light of God will overflow and the devil will disappear. increase. When an angel takes action, instead of thinking about trivial things, he looks forward powerfully and just pushes forward , and good results come. This is the meaning of " bold like an angel " in the second half .

When you do something big , prepare delicately like a devil , and once you decide to do it, do something boldly like an angel . This is the meaning of Akira Kurosawa’s words. In other words, it’s the same meaning to be ready and do things all at once, but it’s cooler to be delicate like a devil and bold like an angel, so Father Gutara It is a casual version of the inscription on the right side.

Why don’t you have your motto  ?

The motto is not something like having a good thing because you have it, or having a problem because you don’t have it. The motto is just a word to reconsider yourself . However, on the other hand, that person is the word that is to cherish the most because even if tell me the motto of the person, whether that person is what you cherish, its know the foundation of the people of you can .. There is no loss in having it, so why don’t you try to find your own motto?

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